commitment challenge: day 1

umm so wtf did i sign myself up for? these crossfit folks even have their own language like legit they throw a few letters and numbers on the board that mean jack shit to the human eye (hi that's me) but to a crossfitters eye it means everything! so freaking bizarre!!
here's a recap of how day one went:
we (the group of first timers) filled out paper work that had a lot of questions about injuries, workout history, and a few lines with fine print that i signed without reading. i circled that i had back pains then added the cutest little arrows to an empty spot on the page and wrote "lower back, once a month" i assumed he would get it but nope so in front of the whole group:
coach: "weird only once a month you get back pains? that's strange"
me: "yup, just once a month"
coach: "strange. what kind? where?"
me: "lower back yup just once a month ::insert wink wink elbow elbow::"
(girls in the class start to giggle, they get it)
coach: (confused)
me: "when i get my freaking period i get back aches, so yes once a month i get lower back pains and my back hurts today. are we good?"
coach: "ohhhh ok i get it"
so that was a good starting point i guess, broke down all guards and entered a comfort zone.
while the coaches is checking in the rest of the class i find 2 victims i mean girls who i start chatting it up with so we can be crossfit bff's we're going to go to evvvvery class together :)

as for the actual class kiss my ass crossfit! i cannot feel my legs i don't know how i am going to keep the 30 day commitment challenge alive if i cannot feel my legs!! dude we had to lift a barbell 75 million different ways and do a trillion different squats...oh and that was just the introduction!! oh and i'm supposed to study terms and the "wod" prior to each class so i'm not clueless. wtf?! i spent 40 mins "studying" for my next crossfit and i'm still clueless!! how am i going to survive???? one day down 29 to go!

feel free to send moral support or healthy snacks my way (as long as they don't include: nuts, dairy, or soy as i'm allergic) thanks!

oh and i weighed myself and took "before" pictures but those will not go up until i see results so that i can be proud of the change not cry at the fat!