Finish Line

According to my pregnancy app we are 3 weeks and 3 days away from Bebe Solivan's due date and I am all over the place emotionally! I am beyond excited to meet our see if it is a son or a daughter, will he/she have Jack's bright green eyes and my chubby cheeks? For the most part I have been out of character chill during this pregnancy (in regards to baby things) but suddenly I'm starting to get hit with waves of anxiety about the unknown; not about the baby's physical traits but important things like: when will he/she make their entrance, what is labor going to be like, and how the hell do we take care of a baby. There really is no "how to" manual out there, actually I take that back there are TOO many "how to" manuals and they all say something completely different so we're back at square one...clueless!

I know everyone says once the baby comes you magically figure it out, I guess it's kind of like how breast milk magically comes out once the baby is out?! But seriously how many often do I have feed the baby? Changing I guess I can figure out by checking the diaper. Do babies actually never sleep and cry all that a real thing? There is only one way to find out...eek!! My one hope is to be the mom I can be to this little angel; giving them a life of love, laughter, and adventure. The most asked question recently has been "are you ready to get that baby out?" and the answer is not at all! Despite the awful sleep and daily dose of nausea I'm really loving this little baby inside of me and am in no rush for he/she to come out...there is no getting this time back. So for the next few days/weeks I will just continue to embrace pregnancy with belly rubs and tummy chats from Jack and Charlie as my protector; pretty soon we will be a party of 4!