I wanted to open the floor up again for you all to share your story.  I have been working on a project to encourage folks to dig deep,take a moment out to reflect, and get their thoughts and feelings out on paper. Writing has been extremely therapeutic for me and I want to encourage others to do so; for their own personal growth and also to connect with others...I firmly believe we aren't put on this earth to be alone.  Every so often I throw a topic out there for you all to write on and I share it here.



Share your "I'M ENOUGH" moment, whatever it may be. Submissions can be a sentence long or write a novel, it's your story. It can be in regards to any avenue of life or every avenue of life, again it is your story. Featured submissions will be shared on this website and potentially on other social media outlets (by submitting your piece you are agreeing to that). 

To submit your story email me at: jacqueline@jacquelinelizzette.com                                               Include your full name, IG handle (if applicable), and a photograph that represents your story.